Very clean van that I wanted convert to perfect campervan so my dream can come true....unfortunately have spent 15k and project is not finished and I decided to give up on it. Condition inside is very good and as a mechanic I can promise that van has no mechanical issues at all . 4 brake calipers and all brakes round brand new and van has been fully serviced . Floor and walls have been…
Very clean van that I wanted convert to perfect campervan so my dream can come true….unfortunately have spent 15k and project is not finished and I decided to give up on it. Condition inside is very good and as a mechanic I can promise that van has no mechanical issues at all . 4 brake calipers and all brakes round brand new and van has been fully serviced . Floor and walls have been done properly and I can send some photes while van was converting by professional person who couldn’t finsish project for me . Will accept reasonable offers and who ever buys it won’t be disappointed.